Публікації співробітників кафедри за 2019

  1. Boardman A.D., Rapoport Yu. G., Aznakayeva D.E., Aznakayev E.G., Grimalsky V. Graphene Metamaterial Electron Optics: Excitation Processes and Electro-Optical Modulation. Chapter 9 in Handbook of Graphene, Volume 3: Graphene-like 2D Materials. Editors: Edvige Celasco, Alexander N. Chaika, Tobias Stauber, Mei Zhang, Cengiz Ozkan, Cengiz Ozkan, Umit Ozkan, Barbara Palys, Sulaiman Wadi Harun. – 2019. – P. 263–296.
  2. Dubovik O., Li Z., Mishchenko M.I., Tanré D., Karol Y., Bojkov B., Cairns B., Diner D.J., Espinosa W. R., Goloub P., Gu X., Hasekamp O., Hong J., Hou W., Knobelspiesse K. D., Landgraf J., Li L., Litvinov P. Liu Y., Lopatin A., Marbach T., Maring H., Martins V., Meijer Y., Milinevsky G., Mukai S., Parol F., Qiao Y., Remer L., Rietjens J., Sano I., Stammes P., Stamnes S., Sun X., Tabary P., Travis L. D., Waquet F., Xu F., Yan C., Yin D. Polarimetric remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols: Instruments, methodologies, results, and perspectives (Review) // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. – 2019. – Vol. 224, February 2019. – P. 474–511.
  3. Evtushevsky O. M., Grytsai A. V., Milinevsky G. P. Decadal changes in the central tropical Pacific teleconnection to the Southern Hemisphere extratropics // Climate Dynamics. – 2019. – Vol. 52. – N 7-8. – P. 4027–4055.
  4. Wang Dedong, Shprits Yuri Y., Zhelavskaya Irina, Agapitov Oleksiy, Drozdov Alexander, Aseev Nikita. Analytical chorus wave model derived from Van Allen Probe observations // Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 124, N 2. – P. 1063–1084.
  5. Hanson E. L. M., Agapitov O. V., Mozer F. S., Krasnoselskikh V., Bale S. D., Avanov L., Khotyaintsev Y., Giles B. Cross-shock potential in rippled vs. planar quasi-perpendicular shocks observed by MMS // Geophysical Research Letters. – 2019. – Vol. 46, N 5. – P. 2381–2389.
  6. Camporeale Enrico, Chu Xiangning, Agapitov Oleksiy, Bortnik Jacob. On the generation of probabilistic forecasts from deterministic models // Space Weather. – 2019. – Vol. 17, N 3. – P. 455–475.
  7. Da Silva L. A., Sibeck D., Alves L. R., Souza V. M., Jauer P. R., Claudepierre S. G., Marchezi J. P., Agapitov O., Medeiros C., Vieira L. E. A., Wang C., Jiankui S., Liu Z., Gonzalez W., Dal Lago A., Rockenbach M., Padua M.B., Alves M.V., Barbosa M. V. G., Fok M.-C., Baker D., Kletzing C., Kanekal S. G., Georgiou M. Contribution of ULF wave activity to the global recovery of the outer radiation belt during the passage of a high-speed solar wind stream observed in September 2014 // Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 124, Issue 3. – P. 1660–1678.
  8. Blum L. W., Artemyev A., Agapitov O., Mourenas D., Boardsen S., Schiller Q. EMIC wave-driven bounce resonance scattering of energetic electrons in the inner magnetosphere // Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 124, N 4. – P. 2484–2496.
  9. Shen X.-Ch., Li W., Ma Q., Agapitov O., and Nishimura Y. Statistical analysis of transverse size of lower band chorus waves using simultaneous multi-satellite observations // Geophysical Research Letters. – 2019. – Vol. 46, N 11. – P. 5725–5734.
  10. Agapitov O., Mourenas D., Artemyev A., Hospodarsky G., Bonnell J. W. Timescales for electron quasi-linear diffusion by lower-band chorus waves: the effects of ωpe/Ωce dependence on geomagnetic activity // Geophysical Research Letters. – 2019. – Vol. 46, N 12. – P. 6178–6187.
  11. Wang Yuke, Shulga Valery, Milinevsky Gennady, Patoka Aleksey, Evtushevsky Oleksandr, Klekociuk Andrew, Han Wei, Grytsai Asen, Shulga Dmitry, Myshenko Valery, and Antyufeyev Oleksandr. Winter 2018 major sudden stratospheric warming impact on midlatitude mesosphere from microwave radiometer measurements // Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 19, N 15. – P. 10303–10317.
  12. Roberg-Clark G. T., Agapitov O., Drake J. F., Swisdak M. Scattering of energetic electrons by heat-flux-driven whistlers in flares // The Astrophysical Journal. – 2019. – Vol. 887, Issue 2, article id. 190. – 8 p.
  13. Hinke J. T., Santos M. M., Korczak-Abshire M., Milinevsky G., Watters G. M. Individual variation in migratory movements of chinstrap penguins leads to widespread occupancy of ice-free winter habitats over the continental shelf and deep ocean basins of the Southern Ocean // PLoS ONE. – 2019. – Vol. 14, N 12. e0226207. – 19 p.
  14. Malykhin A. Y., Grigorenko E. E., Kronberg E. A., Daly P. W., Kozak L. V. Acceleration of protons and heavy ions to suprathermal energies during dipolarizations in the near-Earth magnetotail // Annales Geophysicae. – 2019. – Vol. 37, Issue 4. – P. 549–559.
  15. Kronberg E. A., Grigorenko E. E., Malykhin A., Kozak L., Petrenko B., Vogt M. F., Roussos E., Kollmann P., Jackman C. M., Kasahara S., Malova V., Tao C., Radioti A., Masters A. Acceleration of ions in Jovian Plasmoids: does turbulence play a role? // Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 124, Issue 7. – P. 5056–5069.
  16. Savin S., Amata E., Zelenyi L., Wang C., Li H., Tang B., Pallocchia G., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., Sharma A. S. , Marcucci F., Kozak L., Rauch J. L., Budaev V., Blecki J., Legen L., Nozdrachev M. Collisionless plasma processes at magnetospheric boundaries: role of strong nonlinear wave interactions // JETP Letters. – 2019. – Vol. 110, N 5. – P. 336–341.
  17. Kesäniemi J., Lavrinienko A., Tukalenko E., Boratyński Z., Kivisaari K., Mappes T., Milinevsky G., Møller A. P., Mousseau T. A., Watts, P. C. Exposure to environmental radionuclides associates with tissue-specific impacts on telomerase expression and telomere length // Scientific Reports. – 2019. – Vol. 9, Issue 1, N article 850. – 9 p.
  18. Klekociuk Andrew R., Tully Matthew B., Krummel Paul B., Evtushevsky Oleksandr, Kravchenko Volodymyr, Henderson Stuart I., Alexander Simon P., Querel Richard R., Nichol Sylvia, Smale Dan, Milinevsky Gennadi P., Grytsai Asen, Fraser Paul J., Xiangdong Zheng, Gies H. Peter, Schofield Robyn and Shanklin Jonathan D. The Antarctic Ozone Hole during 2017 // Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science. – 2019. – Vol. 69. – P. 29–51.
  19. Evtushevsky Oleksandr, Klekociuk Andrew R., Kravchenko Volodymyr, Milinevsky Gennadi and Grytsai Asen. The influence of large amplitude planetary waves on the Antarctic ozone hole of austral spring 2017 // Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science. – 2019. – Vol. 69. – P. 57–64.
  20. Kato Taichi, Pavlenko Elena P., Pit Nikolaj V., Antonyuk Kirill A., Antonyuk Oksana I., Babina Julia V., Baklanov Aleksei, Sosnovskij Aleksei A, Belan Sergey P., Maeda Yutaka, Sugiura Yuki, Sumiya Sho, Matsumoto Hanami, Ito Daiki, Nikai Kengo, Kojiguchi Naoto, Matsumoto Katsura, Dubovsky Pavol A., Kudzej Igor, Medulka Tomáš, Wakamatsu Yasuyuki, Ohnishi Ryuhei, Seki Takaaki, Isogai Keisuke, Romanjuk Yaroslav O., Baransky Alexsandr R., Sergeev Aleksandr V., Godunova Vira G., Kozlov Volodymyr A., Sklyanov Aleksandr S., Simon Andrii O., Izviekova Inna O., Zhuchkov Roman Ya., Gutaev Alexei G., Ponomarenko Vasyl O., Vasylenko Volodymyr V., Miller Ian, Kasai Kiyoshi, Dvorak Shawn, Menzies Kenneth, de Miguel Enrique, Brincat, Stephen M., Pickard Roger D. Discovery of standstills in the SU UMa-type dwarf nova NY Serpentis // Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. – 2019. – Vol. 71, N 2, N article L1. – 6 p.
  21. Mappes T., Boratynski Z., Kivisaari K., Lavrinenko A., Milinevsky G., Mousseau T. A., Moller A. P., Tukalenko E., Watts P. C. Ecological mechanisms can modify radiation effects in a key forest mammal of Chernobyl // Ecosphere. – 2019. – Vol. 10, Issue 4, N article e02667. – 11 p.
  22. Ivanova O., Agapitov O., Odstrcil D., Korsun P., Afanasiev V., Rosenbush V. Dynamics of the CO+ coma of comet 29P/Schwasmann–Wachmann 1 // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. – 2019. – Vol. 486, N 4. – P. 5614–5620.
  23. Simon A., Pavlenko E., Shugarov S., Vasylenko V., Izviekova I., Reshetnyk V., Godunova V., Bufan Yu., Baransky A., Antonyuk O., Baklanov V., Troianskyi V., Udovichenko S., Keir L. Gaia18aak is a new SU UMa-type dwarf nova // Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso. – 2019. – Vol. 49, N 2. – P. 420–423.
  24. Godunova V., Simon A., Reshetnyk V., Izviekova I., Sokolov I., Bufan Yu., Kozlov V., Sergeev O., Taradii V. Follow-up observations of variable stars at the Terskol Observatory within the Gaia project // Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso. – 2019. – Vol. 49, N 2. – P. 358–362.
  25. Pavlenko E., Niijima K., Mason P., Wells N., Sosnovskij A., Antonyuk K., Simon A., Pit N., Littlefield C., Itoh H., Kiyota S., Tordai T., Dubovsky P., Vanmunster T., Stone G., Kato T., Sergeev A., Godunova V., Lyumanov E., Antonyuk O. ASASSN-18fk: A new WZ Sge-type dwarf nova with multiple rebrightenings and a new candidate for a superhumping intermediate polar // Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso. – 2019. – Vol. 49, N 2. – P. 204–216.
  26. A. O. Simon, N. V. Metlova, V. G. Godunova, V. V. Vasylenko. Spectral Classification and Estimation of Distances to the Be/X-Ray Binaries 1H1936+541 and 1H2202+501 // Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies. – 2019. – Vol. 35, N 1. – P. 38–45.
  27. Vasiuta M. S., Medvedsky M. M. Creation of in-sky safety system using ADS-8 radar receiver based on RTL-SDR device for SLR station Golosiiv // Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 9, N 1. – P. 28–32.
  28. Paznukhov A., Soina A., Milinevsky G., Yampolsky Yu. Weekly cycle in the atmosphere aerosol variations for industrial regions // Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. – 2019. – Vol. 9, N 1. – P. 20–27.
  29. Відьмаченко А. П., Казанцева Л. В., Мороженко О. В., Чолій В. Я., Неводовський П. В. Астрономічні спостереження та моніторингові дослідження Землі з поверхні чи з орбіти Місяця і їхній наземний супровід // Космічна наука і технологія. – 2019. – Т. 25, № 5. – С. 25–75.
  30. Черемних О. К., Черемних С. О., Козак Л. В., Кронберг О. О. Нестійкість Кельвіна – Гельмгольца і магнітногідродинамічні моди на границі геомагнітного хвоста // Космічна наука і технологія. – 2019. – Т. 25, № 2. – С. 47–60.
  31. Milinevsky G., Yukhymchuk Yu., Grytsai A., Danylevsky V., Wang Yu., Choliy V. Preliminary comparison of the direct aerosol radiative forcing over Ukraine and Antarctic AERONET sites // Український антарктичний журнал. – 2019. – Vol. 18. – P. 128–138.
  32. Grimalsky Vladimir, Koshevaya Svetlana, Rapoport Yuriy, Tretiak Nazarii, Yanovsky Felix, Escobedo-Alatorre Jesus. Resonant properties of electron gas in n-InSb and graphene layers in magnetic fields for THz multilayered dielectric-plasma-like metamaterials // IEEE Proc. 39th International Scientific Conference Electronics and Nanotechnology, ELNANO. – 2019. – Vol. 39. – N article: 8783772. – P. 164–168. – April, 16-18, 2019. – Kyiv, Ukraine.
  33. Rapoport Yu., Grimalsky N., Grytsai A., Gulin A., Milinevsky G., Liashchuk A., Fedun V., Agapitov O., Yanovsky F. Impedance method for electromagnetic beams (IMEB) in multilayered gyrotropic waveguides with thick cover layer, propagating and leakage modes // Proc. Europe Microwave Conference in Central Europe (EuMCE). – May, 13–15, 2019, Prague. – 4 p.
  34. Kalinina Y., Reshetnyk V., Godunova V., Sergeev O., and Simon A. Determination of own rotational periods and color indices of the selected near-Earth asteroids // Proc. of the 27th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2018, Prague, June, 5–7, 2018. – 2019. – P. 25–30.