Публікації співробітників кафедри за 2022

1. Milinevsky G. P., Grytsai A. V., Evtushevsky O. M., Klekociuk A. R. Contributions to understanding climate interactions: stratospheric ozone. – Kyiv: Akademperiodyka, 2022. – 252 p.
2. Rapoport Yuriy, Grimalsky Vladimir. Electromagnetic Waves in Nonlinear Layered Metamaterials, Gyrotropic and Plasma Media. – Bristol: IOP Publishing. –Dec 2022. – 300 p.
3. Yevtushenko F. O., Dukhopelnykov S. V., Rapoport Y. G., Zinenko T. L., Nosich A. I. Spoiling of tunability of on-substrate graphene strip grating due to lattice-mode-induced transparency // RSC Advances. – 2022. – Vol. 12, N 8. – P. 4589–4594.
4. Grimalsky V., Rapoport Y., Tecpoyotl-Torres M., Ivantyshyn O., Nesterenko A. Nonlinear frequency down-conversion of acoustic wave beams in the atmosphere and ionosphere under different types of modulation (regular item) // Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. – 2022. – Vol. 227, N article 105774.
5. Evtushevsky O., Grytsai A., Agapitov O., Kravchenko V., Milinevsky G. The 16-year periodicity in the winter surface temperature variations in the Antarctic Peninsula region // Climate Dynamics. – 2022. – Vol. 58, N 1–2. – P. 35–47.
6. Shi Y., Evtushevsky O., Milinevsky G., Klekociuk A., Han W., Ivaniha O., Andrienko Yu., Shulga V., Zhang C. Zonal asymmetry of the stratopause in the 2019/2020 arctic winter // Remote Sensing. – 2022. – Vol. 14, N 6, N article 1496.
7. Skorov Y., Reshetnyk V., Bentley M. S., Rezac L., Hartogh P., Blum J. The effect of hierarchical structure of the surface dust layer on the modelling of comet gas production // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. – 2022. – Vol. 510, N 4. – P. 5520–5534.
8. Miatselskaya N. S., Bril A. I., Chaikovsky A. P., Yukhymchuk Yu. Yu., Milinevski G. P., Simon A. A. Optimal interpolation of AERONET radiometric network observations for the evaluation of the aerosol optical depth distribution in the Eastern European region // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. – 2022. – Vol. 89. – P. 296–302.
9. Zhang C., Grytsai A., Evtushevsky O., Milinevsky G., Andrienko Y., Shulga, V., Klekociuk A., Rapoport Y., HanW. Rossby waves in total ozone over the Arctic in 2000– 2021 // Remote Sensing. – 2022. – Vol. 14, N 9, N article 2192.
10. Zhang C., Shulga V., Milinevsky G., Danylevsky V., Yukhymchuk Yu., Kyslyi V., Syniavsky I., Sosonkin M., Goloub P., Turos O., Simon A., Choliy V., Maremukha V., Petrosian A., Pysanko V., Honcharova A., Shulga D., Miatselskaya N., Morhuleva V. Spring 2020 atmospheric aerosol contamination over Kyiv City // Atmosphere. – 2022. – Vol. 13, N 5, N article 687.
11. Zhang C., Evtushevsky O., Milinevsky G., Klekociuk A., Andrienko Y., Shulga V., Han W., Shi Y. The annual cycle in mid-latitude stratospheric and mesospheric ozone associated with quasi-stationary wave structure by the MLS Data 2010– 2020 // Remote Sensing. – 2022. – Vol. 14, N article 2309.
12. Rapoport Y., Reshetnyk V., Grytsai A., Grimalsky V., Liashchuk O., Fedorenko A., Hayakawa M., Krankowski A., Błaszkiewicz L., Flisek P. Spectral analysis and information entropy approaches to Data of VLF disturbances in the waveguide Earth-ionosphere // Sensors. – 2022. – Vol. 22, N 21, N article 8191.
13. Mourenas D., Agapitov O. V., Artemyev A. V., Zhang X.-J. A climatology of long-duration high 2-MeV electron flux periods in the outer radiation belt // Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. – 2022. – Vol. 127, N 8, e2022JA030661
14. Larosa A., Dudok de Wit T., Krasnoselskikh V., Bale S. D., Agapitov O., Bonnell J., Froment C., Goetz K., Harvey P., Halekas J. Langmuir-slow extraordinary mode magnetic signature observations with Parker Solar Probe // The Astrophysical Journal. – 2022. – Vol. 927, N 1, N article 95. – 8 p.
15. Agapitov O. V., Drake J. F., Swisdak M., Bale S. D., Horbury T. S., Kasper J. C., MacDowall R. J., Mozer F. S., Phan T. D., Pulupa M., Raouafi N., Velli M. Flux rope merging and the structure of switchbacks in the Solar Wind // The Astrophysical Journal. – 2022. – Vol. 925, N 2, N article 213.
16. Breneman A., Wygant J. R., Tian S., Cattell C. A., Thaller S. A., Goetz K., Tyler E., Colpitts C., Dai L., Kersten K., Bonnell J. W., Bale S. D., Mozer F. S., Harvey P. R., Dalton G., Ergun R., Millan R. E., Malaspina D. M. K., Kletzing C. A., Kurth W. S., Hospodarsky G. B., Halford A. J. The Van Allen Probes electric field and waves instrument: science results, measurements, and access to data // Space Science Reviews. – 2022. – Vol. 218, N 8, N article 73.
17. Karbashewski S., Sydora R. D., Agapitov O. V. Cascading parametric decay coupling between whistler and ion acoustic waves: Darwin particle-in-cell simulations // Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. – 2022. – Vol. 9, N article 1007240.
18. Da Silva L. A., Shi J., Resende Chagas L. C., Agapitov O. V., Alves L. R., Batista I. S., Arras C., Vieira L. E., Deggeroni V., Marchezi J. P., Wang C., Moro J., Inostroza A., Li H., Medeiros C., Cardoso F. R., Jauer P., Alves M. V., Chen S. S., Lui Z., Denardini C. M., Gonzalez W. The role of the inner radiation belt dynamic in the generation of auroral-type sporadic E-layers over south American magnetic anomaly // Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. – 2022. – Vol. 9, N article 970308.
19. 17. Dudok de Wit T., Krasnoselskikh V. V., Agapitov O., Froment C., Larosa A., Bale S. D., Bowen T., Goetz K., Harvey P., Jannet J., Kretzschmar M., MacDovall R J., Malaspina D., Martin P., Page B., Pulupa M., Revillet C. First results from the SCM Search-Coil Magnetometer on Parker Solar Probe // Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. – 2022. – Vol. 127, N 4, e2021JA030018.
20. Król Dominika Ł., Stawarz Łukasz, Begelman Mitchell C., Martí José-María, Perucho Manel, and Petrenko Bohdan A. Magnetization of relativistic current-carrying jets with radial velocity shear // The Astrophysical Journal. – 2022. – Vol. 929, N 2, N article 181.
21. Krasnoselskikh V., Tsurutani B. T., Dudok de Wit T., Simon Walker, Michael Balikhin, Marianne Balat-Pichelin, Marco Velli, Stuart D. Bale, Milan Maksimovic, Oleksiy Agapitov, Wolfgang Baumjohann, Matthieu Berthomier, Roberto Bruno, Steven R. Cranmer, Bart de Pontieu, Domingos de Sousa Meneses, Jonathan Eastwood, Robertus Erdelyi, Robert Ergun, Viktor Fedun, Natalia Ganushkina, Antonella Greco, Louise Harra, Pierre Henri, Timothy Horbury, Hugh Hudson, Justin Kasper, Yuri Khotyaintsev, Matthieu Kretzschmar, Säm Krucker, Harald Kucharek, Yves Langevin, Benoît Lavraud, Jean-Pierre Lebreton, Susan Lepri, Michael Liemohn, Philippe Louarn, Eberhard Moebius, Forrest Mozer, Zdenek Nemecek, Olga Panasenco, Alessandro Retino, Jana Safrankova, Jack Scudder, Sergio Servidio, Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Jan Souček, Adam Szabo, Andris Vaivads, Grigory Vekstein, Zoltan Vörös, Teimuraz Zaqarashvili, Zimbardo G., Fedorov A. ICARUS: in-situ studies of the solar corona beyond Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter // Experimental Astronomy. – 2022. – Vol. 54. – P. 277–315.
22. Grytsai A., Milinevsky G., Andrienko Y., Klecociuk A., Rapoport Yu., Ivaniha O. Antarctic wave planetary spectrum under different polar vortex conditions in 2019 and 2020 based on total ozone column data // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. – 2022. – Vol. 20, N 1. – P. 31–43.
23. Shi Y., Evtushevsky O., Milinevsky G., Grytsai A., Klecociuk A., Ivaniha O., Andrienko Y. The data processing and analysis methods for ozone and planetary study // Ukrainian Antarctic Journal. – 2022. – Vol. 20, N 2. – P. 164–187.
24. Kozak L. V., Petrenko B. A., Grigorenko E. E., Kronberg E. A. Comparison of ground-based and satellite geomagnetic pulsations during substorms // Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies. – 2022. – Vol. 38, N 1. – P. 1–10.
25. Gugnin O., Tugay A., Pulatova N., Zadorozhna L. Advanced morphology of VIPERS galaxies // Journal of Physical Studies. – 2022. – Vol. 26, N 2, N article 2901. – 7 p.
26. Pulatova N., Tugay A., Zadorozhna L., Seeburger R., Lukina O., Gugnin О., Malyi O. X-ray galaxies selected from HYPERLEDA database // Journal of Physical Studies. – 2022. – Vol. 26, N 4, N article 4901. – 6 p.
27. Grimalsky V., Rapoport Y., Koshevaya S. and Escobedo-Alatorre J. Dynamics of modulation instability in terahertz range in different nonlinear materials under focusing // Proc. IEEE 41st International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO). – 2022. – P. 182–185.
28. Rapoport Y., Grimalsky V., Nosich A., Tarapov S., Escobedo-Alatorre J., Kachur A., Dukhopelnikov S., Koshevaya S., De Angelis C., Lavrinenko A. Generation and signal processing in nonlinear, active and quantum meta-/nano-photonic structures in THz range // Proc. 15 th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre-Waves and Terahertz Technologies, UCMMT 2022. – 2022. – 4 p.